Productivity with Power-BI

Revolution in data analysis

Data should not only be collected, but also transformed into meaningful insights in an increasingly data-driven business world. This is where Power BI from Microsoft comes into play - an innovative business intelligence platform that helps companies to effectively analyse and visualize their data and make informed decisions.

tl;dr Power BI from Microsoft is a comprehensive business intelligence platform that helps companies analyze and visualize their data and make informed decisions. For manufacturing companies, Power BI provides the ability to optimize operations, reduce costs and improve quality by leveraging real-time data and gaining insights into their performance. With Power BI, companies can gain a competitive advantage and operate successfully in an increasingly data-driven world.

What is Power-BI?

Comprehensive suite

Power-BI is more than just data visualization software. It's a comprehensive suite of analytics tools that allows companies to bring together, model and present their data from multiple sources. With Power-BI, you can import data from Excel spreadsheets, enterprise applications, cloud services and databases and transform it into meaningful reports and interactive dashboards.

How does Power-BI work?

Advanced data modeling

The strength of Power-BI lies in its ability to process complex data quickly and easily. By integrating advanced data modeling techniques, users can establish relationships between different data sets and perform complex queries to gain valuable insights.

User-friendliness - a plus

Focus on usability

Another advantage of Power-BI is its ease of use. With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, users can easily create charts, graphs and interactive visualizations without having to rely on complex programming. This makes the analysis of data accessible to users at all levels of the company.

How does Power-BI help production companies?

Effective data analysis

For manufacturing companies, effective data analysis is crucial to optimize operations, reduce costs and improve quality. With Power BI, manufacturing companies can:

  1. Real-time monitoring: Monitor the production process in real time and identify potential bottlenecks or problems before they affect productivity.

  2. Performance analyses: Analyze the performance of machines, systems and workers to identify bottlenecks and increase efficiency.

  3. Quality control: Track quality metrics and identify trends or patterns that could indicate quality issues. This allows you to quickly take action to improve product quality.

  4. Inventory management: Optimize your inventory levels and minimize overstocks or shortages by using real-time data on demand and availability.

  5. Predictive maintenance: Implement predictive maintenance by analyzing sensor data and predicting machine failures. This reduces unplanned downtime and extends the service life of your systems.

  6. Production planning: Use historical data and real-time information to improve production planning. Dynamically adjust production plans to respond to changes in demand or unexpected disruptions.

  7. Cost transparency: Gain a detailed insight into the cost structures of your business. Identify cost drivers and opportunities to reduce costs through a detailed analysis of production data.

  8. Sustainability and resource conservation: Monitor energy consumption and other resources in your production process. Identify opportunities to reduce your environmental footprint and promote sustainable practices.

  9. Employee performance and training needs: Analyze the performance of your employees and identify training needs. Improve efficiency and safety through targeted training measures based on data analysis.

  10. Customer requirements: Track and analyze customer requirements and feedback to continuously improve production processes and increase customer satisfaction.

By using Power BI, manufacturing companies can not only optimize their operations, reduce costs and strengthen their competitiveness, but also develop a more agile and data-driven corporate culture. Power BI provides the flexibility and depth to monitor and improve all aspects of the production process, allowing companies to better respond to challenges and quickly adapt to market changes.

MES templates

Our tetys solution
tetys Software: Template zu Power-BI - Bild 1
tetys Software: Template zu Power-BI - Bild 2
... more to come

Your advantages

High performance

Data optimized

for large amounts of data

Customer experience available


Power BI is more than just a data visualization platform - it's a powerful tool that helps companies understand their data, gain insights and make informed decisions. For manufacturing companies, Power BI offers the opportunity to optimize their operations, reduce costs and improve quality. By using Power BI, companies can gain a competitive advantage and operate successfully in an increasingly data-driven world.

In addition, Power BI enables deeper integration and analysis of data from different sources, providing a comprehensive overview of the entire production process. This helps to quickly identify bottlenecks and inefficient processes and take targeted measures for improvement. The ability to visualize real-time data gives production managers the opportunity to react immediately to changes and proactively solve problems.

Another benefit of Power-BI is its ease of use and customizability. With intuitive dashboards and reports, employees at all levels of the organization, regardless of their technical expertise, can gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions. This promotes a data-centric culture within the company and strengthens the decision-making ability of the entire organization.

Power BI also supports collaboration and communication within the company. Teams can easily share data and insights and work together to improve operations. This leads to better alignment and efficiency across the organization.

The ongoing development of Power BI, including the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning, provides further opportunities for predictive analytics and automation. Production companies can not only optimize their current processes, but also better anticipate and respond to future trends and challenges.

In an era where data is the new oil, Power BI is an indispensable tool for harnessing the full potential of data. It helps manufacturing companies become more agile, efficient and innovative. By implementing and using Power BI, companies can increase their competitiveness and be successful in the long term.

Are you ready to take the next step? Let's talk about what tetys can do for you.

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