Between the lines
The new tetys blog
"Hooray, another blog from ... ehm ... te-who?!" tetys. We are a software company in Aachen. And have been for 45 years. Our product of the same name - tetys - networks all arbitrary and relevant areas of production with each other, creates an overview, optimizes decisions and ensures a smooth production process. Okay, it shouldn't be any more advertising than that, but let's take a look back at the history book ...
In 1979, two students at the Institute for Plastics Technology at RWTH Aachen University created two companies from a research contract for software development: GRP and FLS. After a short time, FLS was playing in the "Champions League" of production planning with its FEKOR planning software. GRP relied on PDA and MES. The two solutions came together more and more frequently, and over the decades this grew into a strong partnership. In 2016, they shared the premises. 2020 it became a product. The merger in 2021. The name: tetys.
2024. right, like every other software company, we had a website before. Every visitor had the opportunity to obtain superficial information. But just like all the years before, tetys is more than just software. Behind it is a close-knit community - sometimes even a horde - of very different types, minds, ways of thinking and working. All in an efficient symbiosis. Under one roof. With a clear goal: to provide great software solutions for production companies in all industries and the best customer service for them.
The new website is not only "freshly painted", but also reflects our approach - thanks to the modern positioning of the company - to (continue to) be recognized on the international market with the highest level of partnership and excellent service. Interested parties will therefore not only receive plenty of information in advance about our "tetys" product and the modules within it, but also the certainty that our customers and their needs will continue to be our primary focus.
On the subpages of the menu items "Planning", "Recording", "Shopfloor" and "Reporting" you will now find detailed explanations of the tetys module world as well as one or two images. Will we ever say ourselves that everything is ready? Probably not. Because we will continue to expand, extend and modify our software solution. There will be workshops. Events. Roundtables. We will try to stay very close to our customers - including those who want to become customers - in order to respond to their wishes, challenges and innovations.
And behind it all is us - from young to old in a thriving and family-friendly environment. More than just zeros and ones. Just people. With their own passion, creativity, solutions and belief in our damn good tetys software. Here we will show these people behind the software. Report on successes. Reflect on defeats. Share funny or curious things from and about Kackertstraße 10 in Aachen. So let's open up the sewing box with the blog "Between the lines" ...
Over the past few months, we have realigned ourselves very intensively and made various adjustments to continue along familiar paths, but also to explore and discover new ones. Here on the blog, we are allowing ourselves a touch of a discovery phase - which is why new content will appear at the beginning and only at irregular intervals, recounting these paths in one tonality or another.
I am delighted that you are reading this and that you are already interested. My recommendation to you is therefore: Please feel free to visit our tetys blog from time to time! If you have any questions, criticism, suggestions or improvements, you can use the contact form at any time.
With best regards
Sascha Federmann